About the Project
Video: Did You Notice?
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The Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities is excited to partner with a team of experts from OCALI to develop and pilot a unique training experience, Did You Notice? Created specifically for Direct Support Professionals, the experience is being designed to help them build important connections with those they support by simply taking notice!
The complete training experience will feature:
a quick online learning module (available on homepage)
groundbreaking virtual reality scenarios using an Oculus headset that will simulate real-life interactions with a variety of people with developmental disabilities
a post-experience discussion analyzing what was learned
Virtual reality, also known as VR, is revolutionizing how people learn. The benefit of this technology is that it provides realistic training, allowing users to practice and build confidence. Innovative training opportunities like this one push us to think differently, try new things, and prepare DSPs for their important role in supporting people with developmental disabilities.
The pilot phase of the project is targeted for Summer 2020! Stay tuned!